The Center for Gay Self-Realization and Uranian Psychoanalysis

Education, Research and Practice of Gay Individuation and the Fostering of Homosexual Subjectivity

Uranian Library

Selected Writings on Uranian Psychoanalysis,

Gay-Centered Psychology, Spirituality, and Related Topics

Mitch Walker

Seminal Essays:

Published Books:

Institute for Uranian Psychoanalysis Essays

Institute for Uranian Psychoanalysis Videos


Gay Spirituality

Recommended Readings

Wendell Jones provided the reviews of the books below

The first and still perhaps the best single anthology on the subject, including material about Walt Whitman, Edward Carpenter, Harry Hay, Mitch Walker, etc.

The interview with Mitch Walker is particularly relevant.

This book is really more sociology than spirituality, but it’s written in an enjoyable and accessible way and does a nice job of describing the laudable attributes of modern gay men, with some research to support his ideas.

Gay History / Literature

This is a carefully researched and documented exploration of homosexuality from Ancient Greece up to the 19th century, covering horrible homophobia as well as wonderful love, including some coverage of Asian cultures. A little dry and dense, but if you like history, it’s the classic on the subject.
A good companion to the Crompton book, covering mostly 19th century in England and the U.S. Like the above, carefully researched but a little bit more fun to read.
This unique book could be in both the gay psychology and Jungian psychology sections below. A very nicely written exploration of gayness in Freud, Jung, and ancient Greek mythology.
A wonderful collection of homoerotic poetry and prose through the ages, with helpful introductions to the major writers.
The story of a drunken party where the Greek men all pontificate on love, focusing mostly on same-sex romantic love. It’s quite entertaining, with amazing insights we haven’t caught up with yet.

Gay Psychology

Written by a gay therapist, he does a nice job of discussing gay male psychology.

A good introduction to a gay Jungian approach.
From a Jungian perspective, the only anthology so far that is devoted in a positive way to gay love. A series of essays, some better than others, but all have their heart in the right place. You might want to read some of the basic Jungian stuff below before reading this.
A psychoanalyst describing his theory in accessible terms about how sons fall in love with their fathers during the oedipal phase (4-6 years old), and the effects when the father does not handle this well
Same author as above, a more personal discussion of his efforts to bring a gay-affirmative approach into psychoanalysis, and how homophobic the field was until recently

Jungian Psychology

Jung’s autobiography, by far his most accessible work, providing a very interesting introduction to his ideas and how they developed.
Man and His Symbols is the last work undertaken by Carl Jung before his death in 1961.
A fascinating, classic introduction to Jungian psychology. A lot of Christian and literary references.
A very basic, clearly written how-to book on dream analysis and “active imagination.”
A much more clinical, involved discussion of the “persecutor/protector complex” that people who’ve had trauma develop, with references to fairy tales and psychoanalytic ideas. For the most part, well written, though you might find it a little dense with multiple references to different theories.

General Psychology

The book that defined “toxic shame,” and offers good summaries of many psychological ideas, as well as practical techniques for inner work.
This is a unique book that elegantly describes all the major psychoanalytic theorists in a concise and clear manner. May be very helpful in getting a better understanding of early childhood dynamics with your mother especially, but father also.

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